Thursday, March 4, 2010

May I help you?

All right, this drives me crazy. It's happened several times at work in the past couple weeks, as well as off and on throughout my life. Let me preface this by saying that part of my job every day is to schedule appointments over the phone with people who have requested that I call them. Okay, so here's what really chaps my ass. I'll call the number provided - often a cell phone - and no one will answer. So I wait through the outgoing message and prepare my little schpiel about the job we can do for them, wanting to set an appointment, our phone number, yadda yadda. But here's the kicker. As I'm leaving the message, a call comes into the office from the number I have just called...I know this because of caller ID (don't tell the customers we have that in case I want to avoid someone once in a while). So now I'm all rushed because I don't want to hang up mid-message on this person, but I wanna get the other line before it goes to OUR voicemail, so I hurry through it and click over to the caller. Here's what follows.

Me: Good morning/afternoon, (Name of company), this is Anne, may I help you?
Them: I just got a call from this number...who is this?
Me: (Name of company)
Them: Who?
Me: (Name of company for the third time)
Them: Did you just call me?
Me: And who the hell might you be? (not really)
Me: Well what is your name, ma'am/sir?
Them (coldly, as if it's usually a secret): So-and-so.
Me (acting pleasantly surprised): Oh yes, hi, thanks for calling, I was just leaving you a voicemail.
Them: Mm-hmm.
Me: Uh, well I was calling to schedule....................

Really? Are you kidding? What is that about, some kind of power trip or something? They won't talk to you if you call, but by golly you better answer when they do? I get not answering your phone if you don't recognize the number - I sometimes do that - but why then would you immediately call it back? And I mean immediately, because my voicemail message would have registered in the next 30 seconds. I also understand not answering if you're in the middle of something, but clearly these people aren't because, again, they call RIGHT back. I don't know, it just makes me bonkers. *sigh*

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Beginning of it All

So here it is, my first blog post. Ever. This is one of those things that never really occurred to me to do, but then within the course of about a month I found myself surrounded by people talking about blogs, starting blogs, commenting on blogs, and even suggesting I have my own (to be based on my research for and travels to London and Paris last summer...I'm sure that will end up in here eventually). But one has to start somewhere, so here it is. I have no idea what I will write about at any given point, but I figure it's always good to have an outlet, so why not share my innermost thoughts and feelings on the world's most public forum, right? Who knows, I could amass such a following that the Pied Piper would be jealous...

And to whomever reads this, I like feedback in real life so I'd love it on here. Feel free to post comments or make suggestions about topics for me to rant and rave about, I'm certain to have an opinion on just about anything.

Thanks for reading. :)